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The Evangelistic Ministry of Isaiah Jewell
From Small Beginnings to Whatever God has in Store

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Just Got Saved?

The Gospel

Everyone believes in someone memorizing, isn't it? When we were younger our parents greatly believed in us thinking we could take ground generationally, showing it in our hearts and our actions. This little youngster is an engineer, doctor, lawyer, a business owner or an author. Time passed day-by-day life crammed into a 11-ounce organ named the heart and all of the sudden dreams and visions, became unrealistic. Saddened by lies that pumped into your heart like blood. Now this journey is an image of you that you can never affiliate yourself with. So why run? You stop, turn back, and the image that you once were hits you. Now all of the sudden your life becomes something you never imagined something unrealistic

Now let me challenge you. You believe in God? Believe also in Jesus Christ. Where this will take you is getting your hope back. I am not just talking about a job, instead I am talking about a restored relationship with God. For He gladly took yours and mine sin which was the very thing that separated us from him. For He became our separation for freedom sakes and gave us the title deed to become sons and daughters of righteousness. Everyone believes in God so everyone believes in the impossible that He is the one who spoke the world into existence. Is it that more impossible that God can raise a man from the dead? 

So I ask you to follow Jesus. Why? Because He will put the unrealistic back into your heart. I started with unrealistic things because I want you to be thinking of the person you can be. Be super unrealistic with me and I will show you the hands and feet of my God who saved me.
Saying this.

Matthew 19:26

With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!


The Newsletters are sent once a month. My goal is to have you find out for yourself the goodness of the Lord. If he can make my life a living example of what heaven can be like I know he can do it for you.


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